Saturday, January 05, 2008


I thought we settled this the last time I was at Skywalker Ranch, George, which was... well....never... and we've never met... But that's not the point...


Dear Mr. Lucas,

Please, oh please, give us more movies. Give us Episodes 7, 8 and 9. I'm old enough to remember when you said they were planned. I waited so long for the prequels, don't make me wait that long for the sequels. I might not live that long.

Ignore the books and make the movies the way you envisioned them back in the 70s... make Luke Skywalker the Jedi stud he should be, make the Jedi the heroes of the galaxy the way they should be, make the GFFA the way it should be!

Don't kill off our heroes or their children, or have their children become Sith Lords. The Sith were DESTROYED! Don't let Anakin's sacrifice be in vain. Don't let Obi-Wan's sprit slip away forever.

If you want to throw Mara Jade Skywalker and Kyle Katarn in there, go ahead. They are heroes! Just leave out the whiners like Kyp Durran and Jacen Solo, and that Mon Calamari admiral from LOTF who thinks of the Jedi as "mystics". The Jedi are not getting the respect they deserve in the EU! Let them take back the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and return it to glory!

And think of the fun you'd have casting the parts... I know my mom would like it if you cast Matthew McConaghey as Luke... And Ewan McGregor in makeup could be the ghost of Obi-Wan. Liam Neeson could come back as the ghost of Qui-Gon.

Casting Luke, Han and Leia would be tough, but think of the fond memories you'd bring back... try it!

You could recapture your youth.... And some of the rest of ours, too....

Don't let Star Wars die! And for the love of the Force, don't let it die in the EU.

And in your spare time, can you get someone to work on the OS blogs? Geez, we're paying for this stuff...



PS: I didn't write to Santa this year, I saved up all my wishes for this. But don't let that keep you up pressure... just the fate of the entire GFFA at your fingertips... no big deal... really...

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