Sunday, May 04, 2008


Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops.

Well, it seems to me that all the crops on Tatooine would already be dusty, it being a desert and all... everything in Arizona is certainly dusty. But if the crops on Tatooine were water, how would they be dusted? It would be mud. And if the crop was water, where did the food come from? Chinese take out? Thank you for calling the Tosche Station Pizza Hut...

Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Oh, I don't know about that, Obi-Wan, there's always north Scottsdale... and the consulting firm I used to work for... which pales next to the air conditioning place I worked at...

"I'll have an Eyeblaster," the Princess said. "Atomized, not fizzled!"

I can see Princess Leia in the Mos Eisley cantina. Completely unfazed by the assortment of beings, and staring down the patrons at the bar. "You have the death sentence on twelve systems? I don't give a damn, I'm a Princess!"


The hot weather has me thinking about Tatooine, as you can surmise by my random musings. It's hot, dry and some days the wind blows up enough dust to make the sky brown. The weather forecast? Hot and getting hotter every day until October. And my point? Have the meteorologists take the summer off. I bet Tatooine didn't even HAVE meteorologists... unless they were there to look out for meteors...

You know why the best cheeseburgers come from the asteroid belt? They're meatier.

The pioneers looked for water holes along the trail; we look for hotels with pools. Here in Arizona we all have pools, and we have artificial lakes. Only in Arizona would a city council have to vote on putting water into the town lake, which was created in a dry riverbed, which is dry because we dammed up the river to have water for our pools...and you thought New Republic politics were complicated...

So, with the coming of summer I'll be in the house all day, and have lots of time to blog... hopefully the next one will have some substance.

And may the Force be with us all!

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