Thursday, September 18, 2008


I don't own a game system...there, I said it. The secret's out. I love games, don't get me wrong, but I only play when I'm with the Padawans.

But, that didn't stop me from attending the Force Unleashed release party Monday night with the Rebel Legion and the 501st. Money was raised for charity!

I got a discount on the game (for the oldest Padawan's birthday next month) and a free action figure with a cheat code! Woo Hoo! (oops, so much for the surprise!)

And I won a keychain in the trivia contest. They never asked a question that I couldn't have answered! One person said, "That's not fair, she's a Jedi!'

Younglings were trained in the art of the lightsaber, and defended the Masters from Vader's blade...

The full moon brought out all sorts of inhabitants from the local planetary system...

This is one happy X-Wing pilot...This Jedi seems entirely too happy, but possibly it's because he got to go home with me... :^O :^O

Ever wonder where Jedi slept after the Temple had fallen? Or what stormtroopers really do on duty? This IS the game we're looking for...

Lord Vader runs for president, although I wonder why he'd want a position so, um, less powerful? And really, THIS is not the way to win over voters in the New Republic...

* * *

I know I haven't blogged much lately... I've been sewing a new costume for my dear friend Master Mina, reading and writing fan fic, reading the X-Wing Series and the Jedi Academy Trilogy... making costumed appearances... creating a new blog site for my new RL other words, I've been lazy...

And this is not to say that I'll be back again anytime soon, either! So... May the Force be with us all...

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