Sunday, November 08, 2009

It Never Rains on Halloween!

It Never Rains on Halloween!

When I was a kid, it never rained on Halloween. Ever! I can remember every costume I ever had, all made by Mom, once I even won a prize in the school costume contest!

Halloween is alive and well in Libby. I took my grand-padawans trick or treating and they had a blast!

Louisiana Avenue was hot spot, as it is every year. The best decorations and the biggest crowds of kids were there.

Even the adults handing out the candy were in costume, as were some of the parents walking the street with their younglings.

One man dressed as the grim reaper and sat on his porch, and all the kids thought he was a dummy until they got close and he jumped at them. Hilarious to watch from the sidewalk!

It was a great reminder of the Halloweens of my childhood.


Earth isn't the only place they Trick or Treat. In Star Wars Galaxies we have the Galactic Moon Festival. Costumes are given out at random and some are better than others. A Hutt costume is bad. You can't imagine how long it takes to slither around Mos Eisley dressed as a Hutt. LOL

But it's all fun, and there's some cool loot to be had, like a Krayt Dragon skeleton. Wooooo...

Halloween, I love it... Can't wait until next year!

1 comment:

Qui-Gon Reborn said...

I can remember every costume I ever had

Wow, even I can't do that...LOL

Hilarious to watch from the sidewalk!

Not for the kids!

A Hutt costume is bad.

No kidding...LOL