Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Here it is, the long awaited follow-up to "Jedi in Purple Underwear"...

Aw, Artoo, what am I doing here? In Scottsdale? It's like something out of a dream. A pretty nice dream, the weather is good. I'd give it an A+ in dreams.

Saturday night I went out with the Rebel Legion and the Dune Sea Garrison of the 501st to work the sidewalk out in front of the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts. Why? Because Charlie Ross was there with his "One Man Star Wars Trilogy" and we got in for free!

I wore blue underwear this time, to match my lightsaber... Hansgirl will be happy to hear that the strategic placement of eight hairpins kept my head from falling off all night...

Whoever said storm troopers aren't nice haven't met these guys. And Boba Fett knows me from somewhere, probably the RL forum, and damned if I can remember what he said his name was, but when I said I was Granny-Wan to someone else he looked up and said "Granny???!" LOL

One of the troopers had a working Artoo unit that he built! A fantastic piece of work. He had it roll up to the curb when the local trolley pulled up, and the driver opened the door and Artoo rotated his dome in a "no" and then rolled away. The driver and the passengers were all laughing hysterically.

One passerby was desperately trying to get us to go to the Martini Ranch across the street. Perhaps he afraid his drinking buddies wouldn't believe him... "Are you guys headed for the bar? Oh, you gotta come with me!"

A rude young woman asked Darth Vader to grab his crotch for a picture... he just ignored her and I told her, "move along, move along..."

Two young men with beers in their hands stopped to chat, one trying to get the other to go in to see the show... "We grew up on this stuff, man!" But apparently the other man was more interested in the bar scene... hell, you can do that any night...

Somewhere the City if Scottsdale Cultural Council had pictures of another Jedi and I dueling Darth Maul... somewhere there are tons of pictures of me and the rest of the group in cell phones... all over the valley there are tourists calling home with, "You won't believe what we saw tonight!"

Yes, that's me on stage with Charlie Ross... woo-hoo! What a nice man. I passed on the opportunity to go party with him and the group... Hey, it was late, and I'm old.. and it was Dutch Treat and I'm saving my pennies to go to Wondercon...

That won't be as difficult now that I have two costume projects in the works for other people... I can spend their money and still have the fun of making costumes.... More to come on that front in a later blog...

Luke: I thought you were black!
Vader/Anakin: No, that's just my voice. That's James Earl Jones. It's a rather long story, and I'm pretty busy dying right now, so maybe you could look it up on Star Wars dot com. Or ask one of those people up there in costume, if they don't know I don't know who would!"

If someone comes up with some better pictures, I’ll update...

And that be all...

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