Friday, July 25, 2008


It's like Endor, only it isn't a moon. It's not even an entire planet, just a tiny part of the third planet in this system. It's forested, ferned and the sky is blue.

The inhabitants are short, but they are not Ewoks. They do have ducks, and other furred creatures. Frighteningly, they even have ones with hooves, but they seem quite friendly, at least with each other.

Amazingly enough, the natives can defy gravity! They seem to love the water. I was told that at certain times of the planet's rotational period, the water is a solid and piles up on the ground! I was much happier to see it as a liquid, running in its natural channels.

They do seem to care about their love lives, but the strange weather patterns that occur in midsummer create some strange rituals. Other rites seem to involve singing, and going away to rustic places.

It was an educational mission for this Jedi.

TRANSLATION: I went to Montana to see my grandsons.... LOL

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