Monday, June 06, 2011

I Miss My Blog!

I miss my blog at I really do. But with the demise of Hyperspace, I couldn't renew it anymore. That is, Gidrea couldn't renew her blog. Granny-Wan hasn't blogged there since being banned in 2008. My proudest moment!

It just isn't the same here. I can "ooh" and "ahh" over Obi-Wan just as much as before, but there's no one here to hear me. Oh, there's a question... "If a woman drools over Obi-Wan in deep space and there's no one there to hear her, does it still count?" LOL

Last weekend, we went to Phoenix Comic Con. On Day 1 we were dressed as Mara Jade and Obi-Wan. Grampy-Wan won the poker tournament... in costume. Didn't tell anyone his real name, either. Took out 63 other people to win a DVD! Way to go! WOO HOO

PCC is a fun con, but they need some Star Wars programming. They had Billy Dee Williams, but he wasn't very interesting to listen to.

It was great for Trekkers, though. George Takei is adorable, and Leonard Nimoy was just awesome. Went to a panel on "Eureka" and got to see a sneak peak.

The food was even pretty good, although expensive as was parking. Made me miss the old days at the tiny Mesa Convention Center when we just had a table in the hallway... well, I didn't miss it for long once I saw the "Star Wars Neighborhood", a HUGE area with tables, displays, banners, etc... we made our own fun!

Well, I still miss my blog... and so does Gidrea... LMAO

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