Monday, February 04, 2008


Holonet News reported today that Jedi Master Mara Jade Skywalker abandoned her husband Luke to marry an older, wiser Jedi.

"I couldn't take the black anymore," Mara was quoted as saying, "That's all Luke would ever wear, black, black, black, just like his father before him, who was an Imperial pain the butt, as I know from experience."

The mysterious and as yet unidentified groom is rumored to be the long lost Jedi Master Yoda. He had no comment when asked about his whereabouts for the last six billion years.

No follow up reports on the honeymoon are expected to surface, as Master Yoda is known to be able to hide an entire planet.

Grand Master Luke Skywalker reportedly told the Jedi Council, "Never trust a redhead."

1 comment:

JediKai said...

insert large smiley face here!