Saturday, July 29, 2006

Episode 13: My Trip to Endor and Back (7/3/2006)

The Search for Serenity and WI-FI... Snarking on the Left, Snarking on the Right... Red, White & Blue Milk...

If anyone's been wondering where I've been, and you probably haven't been, I've been on a tour of the galaxy!

Three weeks ago I left Tattooine in a rented spaceship, along with my youngest Padawan and his mom. After some shuffling around of family members at a California spaceport, Grampa and I took off with both Padawans in a stuffed car... the boys hadn't seen each other for two months, so they were full of yakety-yak for the first hour... even sitting right next to each other in the back peace in the GFFA, that wasn't going to last...

After a nice week at the Senior Granny-Wan's, we started off towards Endor, also known as Montana... I kept the boys separated in the car, one on the left, and one on the right with a potted redwood tree in between them... Not even that lovely bit of nature stopped them from getting snarky with each other... when the left window was down, the other wanted it up, and vice versa... whoever had the MP3 wanted the Game Boy... it's a wonder that tree survived...

We did find some peace and serenity at Crater Lake... the weather was perfect, and all that snow still on the mountains reminded me of Alderaan... if you've never seen Crater Lake, you should! It's the bluest water you'll ever see... a piece of nature unspoiled! Don't forget to take mosquito repellant...

Check it out.... Jake & Tyler at Crater Lake

This picture was taken just before the older one discovered that the youngling had chewed his entire pack of Juicy Fruit...

It was really difficult to find WI-FI when I needed it... it seemed I either had time to write or a wireless connection, but never both at the same time... I also had new books with me, Dark Lord and Betrayal... and no time to read...

Montana is beautiful... the air was clean, the temperature cool, there's water in the creeks and stars in the sky...more snow-capped mountains, and lots and lots of trees... We visited an Amish log home building company... very impressive...

I did get some time on a broadband connection and watched Blue Milk from the Atom Films site... my older Padawan and I both give it 4 stars (5 stars being reserved for Pink Five). It's hilarious!

After a week I had to leave... and leave my Padawans there... there were some tears, and not just from the youngling... I haven't mastered the letting go thing yet... and those lucky kids get to live there!!!!

Now I'm back home on Tattoine... it's hot, the air is dirty, the traffic loud... the house is just too quiet with just Grampa and of these days I'll be sending my blogs from my log house in the woods!

I finally got to read Dark Lord on the way home...(4 out of 5 stars) but I haven't started Betrayal yet (Sorry, Aaron) but it's at the top of my list...


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