Saturday, July 29, 2006

Episode 3: Out of the Mouths of Younglings (4/20/2006)

First posted on the OS on April 20, 2006... my first time on the home page!

Padawns say that darndest things...Is the Empire hiding in my neighborhood? The younglings have Jedi cats...

First off, I have to backtrack a little... yesterday I related to you my family's old movie joke... It started back in 1980, during our umpteenth trip to see The Empire Strikes Back. Just as the lights went down, and the 20th Century Fox fanfare started up, my sister looked at me and whispered "I've SEEN this movie!"

Well, it's come to my attention that not everyone GETS the joke... not to worry, I understand... my sister and I have twisted minds... and since I"m referring to it AGAIN later in this entry, I'll spell it out....: Either (1) The movie hasn't started yet so how do you KNOW you haven't seen it, there are 1000's of 20th Century Fox movies... or (2) it's a STAR WARS movie, so OF COURSE you've seen it!

My two Padawans are Tyler-Wan, who is 8, and Darth Jacob, 5. He's not really evil, but he does have this great mixture of guile and innocence.

Tyler is convinced I really can use The Force. He tries to sneak out of bed and tiptoe through the house and sneak up behind me when I'm at the computer, and I always hear him... I also know what he's going to say before he says it. Sadly, it isn't The Force, it's just that he's as twisted and weird as I am... He and I can do all the dialogue from the first 20 minutes of ROTS... we're working on our own version of the movie... check this out....

Jake, the 5 year-old, has a speech problem. He understands the language perfectly, and in every other way he's like any other five-year old, he just speaks like a 2 or 3 year old. So it was a proud Granny-Wan moment when he finally mastered "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." Then one day we were climbing the bleachers at a baseball game, and an older kid wearing a Star Wars shirt walks by, and Jake pipes up with "I've SEEN that movie!" Then I heard him tell his T-Ball coach "I have a bad feeling about this!"

Last December the house behind mine sprouted the neighborhood's first superweapon... a large, round, black object covered in Christmas lights elevated 10 feet above the roof... Tyler came in from the backyard to tell me "Come look! The DEATH STAR is outside!" One afternoon when Jake's school bus pulled up out front, Tyler said "Tell my mom Lord Vader's shuttle has arrived!"

They both were very helpful in naming our three kittens that were born last summer:

Sith Lightning (he's striped), Vader, Dark Lord of the Hiss (a black cat, of course), and Obi-Wan Katnobi...

That's all for now... maybe next time I'll actually write about Star Wars... nah...

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