Saturday, July 29, 2006

Episode 14 Skinny-Dipping on Tatooine (7/11/2006)

Where would you go if you left Tatooine? It's hot and it's dry... but the water is clear and suits are optional!

Originally posted on the OS on July 11, 2006.

Most of you know I have two Padawans, my grandsons who are 8 and 5.
They and their parents just moved to Montana, after living in our house for the past four years.... The silence is deafening!

As much as I miss the little boys, I'm starting to remember what privacy is... swimsuits are once again optional at my house... heh heh... I was never blessed by the Force with any athletic abilities and now that I am middle-aged and overweight, I am a super klutz... but in the pool I am free of most gravity and graceful and sleek...

When I moved here I refused to even look at a house that didn't have a pool... I wasn't being snobby, a lot of folks her in Arizona have pools... they aren't just for the rich... but I had always wanted one... so it isn't much of a pool, but it's mine and suits are optional... I can exercise my aching back and my aging knee and feel good about it... and since it's stinkin' hot here in the summer it's the only activity I can stand to participate in...

Which makes me wonder about life on Tatooine... if water costs 10 credits for a glass just to drink, how much to take a shower? Never mind swimming... it's no wonder Luke didn't know what a duck was...

"Water is Life, Don't Waste It," they say here in the southwest, and it's true. We drink it, we water our crops with it, and that's just to survive. We also wash and cook in it, grow trees for shade and build fountains and fake waterfalls to help cool us off, ... Only in Arizona would they build a lake in a dry riverbed...which is dry because it's dammed upstream so we can have water to fill our pools and our fake lakes...

As a child I played in the sprinklers and took cool showers when it was hot... On Tatooine do they ever know the sensation of cool water running down their backs? Did young Luke ever own a Slip 'n Slide? There's no sign of vegetation, no shade, no rivers... It's no wonder Obi-Wan was a little crazy, I would have lost it just for the want of seeing a green tree...

Montana is like Naboo, I suppose, or Endor... green forests... water in the rivers and creeks...

I suppose some people went there to avoid the government (Sort of like Montana!) but others who were stuck there must have resented it... It's no wonder Luke thought he was the furthest from the bright center of the universe that he could get...

They never say what they learned in school... do you suppose they studied Galactic Geography? Holocrons of clean and green worlds, or water worlds, or places like Hoth... did they dream of visiting them?

Everything on Tatooine was dry and stark...

If Owen & Beru packed up the landspeeder for the family vacation, where did they go???

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