Saturday, July 29, 2006

Episode Twelve: The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth (6/7/2006)

Back on the homepage.... Does everybody know what time it is? It's time for the geeks to strike back...

Originally posted on the OS on June 7, 2006

FROM THE SW HOMEPAGE: Star Highlights: Super Deformed Boba Fett! This really strikes me as funny... or frightening...

I've read a few blog entries lately concerning geekdom... or nerdiness... or whatever you want to call it... Star Wars fans are geeks and nerds, we never associate with the opposite sex and we all live in our mothers' basements... Yeah, I've seen and heard it all before, but what I don't understand is... WHY?

We all know it's a bunch of bunk, but this misconception seems to have taken on a life of it's own. Like the most stubborn of urban legends, it refuses to die...

Sports fans paint letters on their bare chests in freezing weather, dye their hair and redecorate their houses in team colors and it's fun. Young people get tattoos and piercings and dress to match their favorite rock group and it's cool. Teenagers wear the name of their clothes designer on the front of their shirts and it's fashion... but go out in a Star Wars T-shirt and you're a geek or a weirdo...

I watched a show a while back called When Star Wars Ruled the World and there were several video bytes from a man who apparently is a movie person of some kind (Sorry, I don't remember who or what, exactly) about being a fan when he was a kid. He told how he was glad when the OT was finished because he didn't know how much more of his life he could devote to Star Wars and still have any hope of ever getting... ahem... [affection from the opposite gender].

All I could think of was, "Don't blame Star Wars...if you lost a few pounds, dressed better, and didn't say such dumb things, then a woman might want to associate with you!" (NOTE TO THOSE WITH SENSITIVITY ISSUES: I am overweight and a lousy dresser, so I can say things like that...) But don't even get me started on the myth that girls don't like Star Wars...

Look at the group we have here... some are married, or working on it; we have jobs and families, and hobbies... I haven't heard one person say they live in a basement...

We have SD_GreyJedi, who's a member of a group who dresses up in Star Wars costumes and visits children's hospitals, and autistic children. And we have Terek Rool reminding us that blood donations help save lives.

Lord_Noctifer is sharing the trials and tribulations of wedding planning with us. We have shared the joy of amidalooine's daughter's graduation, the stress of Jedi Master Mina's new job, and adventure of Oboe-Wan moving to Tatooine.

I've shared the fun of grandmotherhood and the sorrow of the death of a kitten with everyone and received a wealth of friendship in response.

Does this sound like a group of losers? I don't think so! (My favorite Obi-Wan Kenobi line)

For me, it's just an annoyance. For those with jobs and social lives, it's a little harder. For the teenage crowd it's the hardest, I'm sure, in that High School world where everyone wants to be the same, but who decides what's cool and what isn't?

Hang on to your differences, there will come a day when you cherish them!


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