Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Index to the Past

Hello everyone, I'm still resting my brain... but I've moved all my entries to my personal blog for safekeeping!

Episode 17: I Sense a Plot to Destroy the Jedi (9/4/06)
- I like my heroes on the GOOD side...

Episode Sixteen: Notes from a Traveling Jedi (8/12/06)
- Get your kicks on Route 666.... Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you may be in Utah... Things are not always what they seem...

Episode 15: You Must Do What You Feel is Right, of Course... (7/24/2006) - Finding your density... uh, I mean fighting your destiny... Anakin Skywalker vs. Sir Lancelot...no, not a poll, not a duel, just a random comparison...

Episode 14 Skinny-Dipping on Tatooine (7/11/2006) - Where would you go if you left Tatooine? It's hot and it's dry... but the water is clear and suits are optional!

Episode 13: My Trip to Endor and Back (7/3/2006) - The Search for Serenity and WI-FI... Snarking on the Left, Snarking on the Right... Red, White & Blue Milk...

Not an Episode: Granny-Wan's Day Out (6/9/2006) - No Ancient Jedi Wisdom today, just a movie recommendation for Cars... and ice cream advice...

Episode Twelve: The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth (6/7/2006) - Back on the homepage.... Does everybody know what time it is? It's time for the geeks to strike back...

Episode 11: A Padawan Sings in Jabba's Bathtub (6/2/2006) - The invention of a new weapon, a refreshing weapon, from a more fluidic age... I know where the Empire's hiding ... More things that bug me...

Episode 10: A New Order? I Don't Think So! (5/29/2006) - Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your movie...

Episode 9: Meanwhile, Back on Tatooine (5/27/2006) - Two Jedi, a clone trooper, and a Protocol Droid leading a gundark walk into a cantina... But, seriously...

Episode Eight: Alphabet Slop (5/28/2006) - I'm going to watch Star Wars... Oh, you ask, will that be the OT or the PT? How about the OOT, or is it the UOT? Do you have it on VHS or DVD? Are you watching on TV, PC or PSP? If I were a man, I could watch it in my BVDs... all this is too much for my ADD...

Episode Seven: Teardrops on Kittens (5/22/2006) - A Hiss Lord meets The Force...

A Brief Pause for a Two-Line Blog (5/16/2006)
- Is anyone out there? I got something to say! I know that's poor grammer....and I wonder if anyone ever told Anakin it's "better to burn out than fade away...?"

Granny-Wan's Holiday Special (Mothers Day 2006)
- A Tribute to The Great One... A Love Affair with Technology... Why isn't George's birthday a holiday?

Episode Six: A Lot of Things Mean Little... (5/12/2006) - ...But little things can mean a lot...A night on a Medstar... Jedi in Jammies...

Episode Five: Attack of the Action Figures! (5/2/2006) - Attack of the Action Figures...Revenge of the Trailers: YOU'LL LAUGH, YOU'LL CRY, YOU'LL KISS THREE BUCKS GOODBYE... Memories from a long, LONG, time ago, in a state not too far away...

Episode 4: ...And in Star Wars, Truth! (4/23/2006) - There is truth in beauty, and in Star Wars, truth... Lines we'd like to hear in the next Special Editions...Star Wars pops up in the strangest places...

Episode 3: Out of the Mouths of Younglings (4/20/2006) - Padawns say that darndest things...Is the Empire hiding in my neighborhood? The younglings have Jedi cats.

Episode Two: Becoming a Fanatic (4/17/2006) - How I became a fan, started a trend, discovered a Sith... and was undone by evil...

Episode One: My First Entry (4/17/2006) testing the waters!

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